The Sims 3 (PC)

August 30, 2009

Title: The Sims 3
Platform: PC
Genre: Virtual Life
Release Date: 5 June 2009
Developer: EA Redwood Shores
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Rating: PEGI 12+

WHAT IS… The Sims 3?

The Sims 3 is the next strategic life simulation game in the highly addictive Sims franchise (originally created by Maxis). It follows the same road as its predecessors – players create and control Sims through a lifespan where they can do various activities and form relationships (like real life!). There is no defined goal, so gameplay continues until boredom sets in (usually a week or so of solid playing for me).

There are tons of new features in this version of the Sims, including a “living neighbourhood” where all Sims age at once, “Create-a-style” tool where any piece of clothing or furniture can be customised and “Traits” where the player can create more unique personalities for their Sims.


The graphics in the Sims 3 aren’t a huge leap from the Sims 2 but they are still pretty nifty and the interfaces are great (as per usual!). Everything is simple, friendly and smart which makes the game quick and easy to get into.

+ Great graphics and friendly interfaces

– Not a great leap from the Sims 2

STORY 8/10

As in all the Sims games the storyline in the Sims 3 is pretty much non-existent which suits this type of game fine. Anybody who believes the Sims has an actual story needs a boot to the face! An optional story like the console versions (moving out of parent’s house, finding a job while completing tasks etc) would give the game some purpose although this could be set up by the player on the Sims 3 anyway.

+/- Story is non-existent


The Sims games have no definitive goal which means the game is open ended and carries on until you’re bored of it. It’s a real life simulation game so this is fine but after a week or so of solid gameplay it starts to get stale. Some achievements or goals to work towards would be interesting. As mentioned before, an optional side story would bring something more to the table.

+ Open ended which is perfect for a simulation game

– Some features could be added to increase longevity


There are tons of features that have been added in the Sims 3. The neighbourhood is live which means neighbours will age, have relationships and children etc alongside your own Sims. This is a great addition although I was playing the Sims recently and had created a Braindead Hero Sim next door ready to ‘woo’ him once I had climbed the career ladder. My Sim popped round to his house to find a baby on the lawn! The live neighbourhood can be switched off if you find it interferes with your wooing intentions.

The traits tool allows players to create more unique personalities for their Sims – traits include being a computer whizz, a great kisser and a vegetarian. These traits influence your Sims behaviour and wishes and overall create more diverse gameplay.

Your Sims are free to explore the neighbourhood which means no loading screens! They can pop round to other Sim houses or even go to work. The loading times have greatly improved since the Sims 2 which is a blessing.

My only gripe is the lack of content! When I heard about the Sims 3 I assumed it would be the Sims 2 + more. Although the Sims 3 has added loads more features, the actual items in the catalogue are thin on the ground. There are no hot tubs, no pool tables and limited styles of every other object. The create-a-style tool is great for adding patterns and textures to objects but there aren’t enough objects in the first place!

+ Loads of new features

– Lack of actual content

FUN 10/10

Even though the game is short lived, it is immersive to the point where I forget to eat! Like its predecessors it is 100% pure addictive gaming crack and a nice break to all the games that involve thinking and hard work. It’s easy to get into and everyone will enjoy creating their own little world.

+ Great fun and recommended to all


Overall this game has brought many new features to the table but has still retained the classic Sims style.