E3 2009 FEATURE ( 25.06.09 )

June 25, 2009


Well E3 kicks off with Microsoft. They introduced a new system – Natal, which looks pretty cool Dunno how the price will be but hey…

When I first heard of Microsoft introducing motion control I thought I’d look something like this:

Jokes aside, Natal looks sweet.

On the downside, they’re putting Twitter, Facebook and Sky movies onto the x-box. Unnecessary add-ons really…if you want to watch movies, flick over the channel, because I’ll assume you need a Sky box to watch them.


I right squealed when they showed L4D 2. The trailer looks awesome and the chainsaws bring a Dead Rising feel into things In any case, I’ll so be getting this for PC when it comes out!

Tony Hawks ride looks awesome as well with the new skateboard peripheral

As a skater I’ve looked into some skate games that use the board peripheral but they were clunky and didn’t seem to work very well. This new peripheral looks streamlined and fun to use. Shame I don’t have an x-box

Rock Band The Beatles looked ok, I like The Beatles but a whole game for them? Hmm… the trailer looked nice though! Nice chilling game and I like the addition of more than one singer – although they only join in every so often.

I‘m not into the MGS series but Microsoft are bringing out Rising, a game where you apparently play as the guy no-one likes


Nintendo had Cammy again this year… she bragged about the sales of the Wii Fit. It only sold because it comes with a board that you can beat her to death with I’ve been told the board can also be used as a dinner tray (dad’s use for it at least).

They’re bringing out a new Wii Fit which hasn’t changed much on the original – there is maths involved though which is lame.

Also is the introduction of Wii Motion Plus…wait did I say introduce? I mean cover something they introduced last year. Something which the Wiimote should have been able to do from the start…

Then there’s the scary Vitality sensor. This thing clips onto your finger and measures vital signs. It apparently helps you relax but I see nothing relaxing about that oddity

They’re selling us something from hospitals…yeh I’ll cry if that thing actually sells!

You can now also upload DSi photos onto Facebook…OR you can not waste your money on that thing and take a picture with your phone or camera instead o_O

It’s all unnecessary awkwardness. Like the DSi itself – ooh it can take low res pictures and add funny filters on them! You can easily run a photo through Photoshop, Picasa or some other program to add stupid filters that no-one cares about.


The games leave much to be desired as well… they’ve brought out a new Mario that looks exactly the same as the DS one, except you can awkwardly run about with your friends. Meh

Golden Sun looks ok and the new Mario Galaxy looks fab.

I’m not a Metroid fan but there’s a new one coming out which I’ve heard mixed reactions about.


Sony wins E3 hands down. The opening was funky, stylish and had an awesome soundtrack!

After the boring numbers bit the conference really hit off…

They introduced the “worst kept secret” PSP Go which looks incredibly uncomfortable…

It’s too small and when slid out it looks pretty ugly if you ask me. Still we can forgive Sony for that, with their line-up of new features and games.

They are also jumping on the motion control bandwagon which made me facepalm when they mentioned it…leave the crappy motion control to Nintendo. Still they wowed me with the footage of it – I was skeptical at first because when Ninty first revealed their motion control it looked like it worked then didn’t…but this actually looks like it will work.

The controller was a bit odd and it’s something I wouldn’t be interested in getting. The demo shown looked ok, quite fun, a bit quirky. The bit that wowed me was the bow and arrow – it looked amazing! But seriously getting it for gameplay? We’ll see…


The games list that Sony went through has finalised my decision to buy a PSP (Go can **** right off though!).

Little Big Planet for PSP will be fantastic – the game is great but it’d be nice to take it on the go. Also Fat Princess is a game I really wanna play but now Hero’s PS3 has broke I won’t get the chance…but no, it’s coming to PSP!

I’m so hyped for these two portable titles

Also Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time looks brilliant – I love R&C! The new game looks fab – nothing more to say

We’ll also see the release of Gran Turismo 5 which looks good, apart from the 1st person inside the car view which blocks off a lot of the view of the track…

They’re also bringing GT to PSP which would be nice. I love GT even though I haven’t played it since the PS1!

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune 2 is coming out. The trailer looked beaut – I’ve never played Uncharted but I heard a lot about wet t-shirts and want to play it!

Sony has also unveiled a Metal Gear Solid game – Peace Walker. It seems they’ve champed over Microsoft as their game seems to stick to the whole idea of MGS – Solid Snake.

Also Hero wanted me to mention FF7 for PSP and PS3. I guess you can already get PS1 titles onto PSP/PS3 but the official release of FF7 has got fans *cough* Hero! squealing.

Overall the Sony conference was by far the best, followed by Microsoft with Nintendo trailing behind…

Tofu Hero Podcast – Parenting Edition

January 10, 2009

Back from our Christmas/New Year break we get back into the podcasting mood with a new hour long podcast. Featuring this week we have Timotei (one of Tofu’s mates) and we talk about.

– 6 Yr olds driving cars

– Nobody having any money

– Game of the Year and 2009 wishes

Podcast 10 January

Probably contains explicit content, they usually do.